2019 Grant Proposals are now closed.

Final decisions will be made soon!

Go. Go Love is still in the selection process. We received many more applications than anticipated and are trying our very best to read each application. Stay tuned for further updates.

We would like to thank-you everyone who submitted an application. There has been an overwhelming amount of support and interest in this opportunity and we are very excited to spend the next couple of months reviewing each application

What we are looking for

Go. Go Love is looking to increase its activities through the development of long-term relationships and partnerships with organisations that work directly with beneficiaries and communities. We are looking to fund local organisations that solely work in developing countries, or those organisations who implement projects through local partnerships and collaborations.

This is our very first call for project submissions, and we are excited to support a diverse range of small to medium organisations and communities. Projects can receive funding of up to $30,000AUD over a 1-2 year project timeline.

Please read our guidelines for a full list of eligibility.

All Enquires

We love to hear your project ideas, questions and concerns regarding your application, so please email us at share@gogolove.org or fill our a contact form, and we will get back to you.